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Project "Implementation of measures for successful adaptation to climate change", Contract No. BGENVIRONMENT-4.003-0017-С01, financed under the Program "Environmental Protection and Climate Change" through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021.

Get to know the project

Overall objective

Increasing the capacity of the municipalities for sustainable implementation of innovative measures and technologies at the municipal level in the waste and energy sector and adapting strategic plans and programs in order to overcome the adverse effects of climate change.

Specific objectives 1

Creating conditions to prevent the generation of biodegradable household waste at the place of its generation

Specific objectives 3

Implementation of measures to reduce and limit greenhouse gas emissions at local level

Specific objectives 5

Development of municipal plans for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change and updating and adaptation of municipal strategic and planning documents

Specific objectives 2

Increasing the energy efficiency of municipal buildings through the use of renewable energy sources (RES)

Specific objectives 4

Introduction of new approach in the management of database necessary for planning and implementation of measures for reduction of fine dust particles in urban environment

Project activities

Project organization and management

Information and publicity

Training for municipal employees to increase competence

Information forum "Changes in the climate - the challenges facing the Bulgarian municipality"

Development and implementation of measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change

Exchange of experience and good practices from Norway in the field of adaptation to climate change

Project audit
